Proven leadership, Valued experience

Elizabeth champions the mission of equipping every student with knowledge, skills, and character to succeed in college, career, and in life in an ever-changing global society.

Why Elizabeth?

Glendora Unified School Board is facing major challenges that will impact our schools and community if they aren’t addressed properly. One of key issues is declining enrollment, which has major budget implications, along with the lack of state funding.

I have been a member of the Glendora Unified School Board for 6 years; I am one of the most seasoned of the 5 current members.

Why does this matter to you, our students, and the City of Glendora?

For the last 6 years I have been meeting with legislators, attending conferences specifically addressing declining enrollment through the CA School Board Association, and working collaboratively with district administrators.

And, while these issues are not unique to Glendora (nearly 75% of school districts across CA are in the same boat), Glendora is a special community that I am proud to call my home. 

I have the necessary experience and understanding of the nuances of our community to properly navigate these issues for our students, families, and city.

My experience matters. Let’s not lose momentum. 

I ask for your vote this November so we can safeguard our future, together. 

Elizabeth Reuter

Elizabeth Reuter and her husband Jon moved to Glendora in December 2013 with their children Amelia and Charlie, then in elementary school at Sellers. They went through the district at Goddard and graduated from Glendora High School in 2023 and 2024. She has extensive experience serving her community and has been on the GUSD School Board since 2018.

Glendora Unified School District Experience

  • Member of the Glendora Unified School District Board of Education since August 2018

  • Two-time Glendora Unified School Board President (2020 and 2023) 

  • GUSD Board Committee Representative, Glendora Chamber of Commerce Legislative Action Committee for four years

  • GUSD Board Committee Representative, District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

  • GUSD Board Representative, San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program (SGVROP), a consortium of 6 school districts in the San Gabriel Valley dedicated to serving students in Career Technical Education Pathways for two years. Currently the President of the SGVROP Board of Education

See Elizabeth’s Full Leadership Profile Here


    • Meet every student where they are so that they can be successful upon graduation.

    • Many students aren’t sure of what they might want to do after graduation, exposing students as early as elementary school to hands- on- activities in our new STEAM labs can ignite a spark of excitement for learning.

    • Bringing career technical education pathways down into middle school can show students real life career fields that can help them focus in a direction. These pathways may lead to four year colleges or they may lead to technical careers with their own schooling and certificates. Health career pathways

    • Working with district administration and San Gabriel Regional Occupational Program (ROP) to develop a 5 year strategic plan for our Career Technical Education (CTE) programs to make sure we are exposing GUSD students to careers that are employable and in our region and earn a competitive income. 

    • GUSD has been in declining enrollment since 2014. This is not unique to Glendora, as 75%+ of districts in CA are in the same dilemma.

    • With the decline of student enrollment, we lose funding from the state, as we are funded by students in seats daily attendance. We need to address the loss of students as it relates to our budget. Our budget will be decreased by $3 million in 2025-2026 school year. 

    • We need to add innovative programs to retain and attract students to GUSD. 

    • We also need to be careful to reduce expenses. 

    • 85% of our annual budget goes to salaries and benefits, so as employees retire and leave, we have to be careful on what positions we are rehiring for. This is one way we are trying to control expenses. 

    • The board has committed to explore every opportunity to increase revenues and decrease expenses. This includes entering into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Lewis Developers to assess all district properties as potential sources of revenues.

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